50 liter pastry mixer

One of the most widely used devices used in confectionery workshops is the confectionery mixer. Confectionery mixer is used in confectionary workshops to mix all kinds of dough, cream and eggs, and it is used in restaurants and fast foods to prepare pizza dough, prepare sauce and mix meat. One of the most widely used devices used in confectionery workshops is the confectionery mixer. Confectionery mixer is used in confectionary workshops to mix all kinds of dough, cream and eggs, and it is used in restaurants and fast foods to prepare pizza dough, prepare sauce and mix meat.

The 50 liter confectionery mixer is suitable for working in confectionery workshops, restaurants, hotels and fast foods.

The accessories of the 50 liter pastry mixer are

Two 304 alloy steel containers with a thickness of 2 mm

Three steel stirrers

Advantages of the 50 liter pastry mixer machine

– Fast mixing of ingredients from 10 kg to 20 kg

– All parts that deal directly with food are made of 304 steel

– The material of the body is made of iron, which has an electrostatic paint coating

– The 50 liter pastry mixer is equipped with safety protection